Laying the groundwork for concrete action
On Thursday, 1 February 2024, citizens of the European Citizens Panel on Virtual Worlds reunited for an online feedback event. Commission Representatives explained the ongoing impact of the Panel’s recommendations - laying the groundwork for concrete action and generating international interest. In particular, several Panel recommendations were reflected in the July 2023 communication “An EU initiative on Web 4.0 and virtual worlds: a head start in the next technological transition”.
The full set of recommendations can be found in the documents section below.

23 recommendations for fair and people-centered virtual worlds in the EU
From 21 to 23 April, the Commission hosted the closing session of the European Citizens' Panel on Virtual Worlds in Brussels, which allowed citizens to make recommendations on the values and actions needed to create attractive and fair European virtual worlds. These recommendations will support the Commission's work on virtual worlds and the future of the internet.
After three weekends of deliberations, the citizens made 23 recommendations on expectations for the principles and actions to ensure that virtual worlds in the EU are fair and relevant to citizens. These recommendations are structured around eight values and principles: freedom of choice, sustainability, human-centeredness, health, education, safety and security, transparency and inclusion.
The full set of recommendations can be found in the documents section below.

What vision, principles, and actions should guide the development of desirable and fair virtual worlds?
Many people believe that virtual worlds, also referred to as metaverses, might be a change comparable to the appearance of the internet and will transform the way we work and engage with each other in the future. In the last couple of years – and particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic – numerous public and private actors have been investing massively in these so-called “extended and augmented realities”, speeding up changes in our workplaces and habits.
Despite this increased attention, such a transformation will not happen suddenly. Virtual Worlds will take many years to develop into a high-quality, realistic digital environment, and there is no clear picture yet of what metaverses could and should become.
The EU and its Members States are committed to harness the potential of this transformation, understand its opportunities, but also the risks and challenges it poses, while safeguarding the rights of European citizens. The European Commission has therefore decided to convene a citizens’ panel to formulate recommendations for the development of virtual worlds.
Find out more in the information kit that is available in the document section below.

What was the outcome of the Panel?
The outcome of the panel is a set of guiding principles and actions for the development of virtual worlds in the EU, based on citizens' experiences, perceptions, and wishes for the future. It takes the form of recommendations addressed to the European Commission to feed into an initiative on the topic.
The virtual worlds panel sessions took place between February and April 2023.
- 24-26 February 2023Session 1 - Brussels
In the first session, participants built a shared vision of what desirable and fair virtual worlds should be like.
Please see the summary of the session in the Documents section below.
- 10-12 March 2023Session 2 - online
In the second session, participants identified, discussed and prioritised values and principles that should guide the development of Virtual Worlds, and started exploring fields of actions to make this vision a reality.
The detailed agenda can be found in the Documents section below.
- 21-23 April 2023Closing session - Brussels
The closing session submitted the conclusions of debates, together with the panels’ recommendations, to the European Commission. The final list of recommendations can be found in the documents section below.
The signature of the European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles reflects our shared goal of a digital transformation that puts people first. The rights put forward in our Declaration are guaranteed for everybody in the EU, online as they are offline. And the digital principles enshrined in the Declaration will guide us in our work on all new initiatives.
Citizens panel on virtual worlds - 3 group photoCitizens panel on virtual worlds - 3 group photo Citizens panel on virtual worlds - 3 ballot boxCitizens panel on virtual worlds - 3 ballot box Panel on virtual worlds 3 - plenary 1Panel on virtual worlds 3 - plenary 1 Citizens panel on virtual worlds - 3 flip chartCitizens panel on virtual worlds - 3 flip chart Citizens panel on virtual worlds - 3 voteCitizens panel on virtual worlds - 3 vote Citizens panel on virtual worlds - 3 participantCitizens panel on virtual worlds - 3 participant Panel on virtual worlds 3 ViolaPanel on virtual worlds 3 Viola Panel on virtual worlds 3 - plenary audiencePanel on virtual worlds 3 - plenary audience Virtual Worlds Panel session one voteVirtual Worlds Panel session one vote Virtual Worlds Session 1 VR rescueVirtual Worlds Session 1 VR rescue Virtual Worlds Panel session one wallVirtual Worlds Panel session one wall Virtual Worlds Panel session one stageVirtual Worlds Panel session one stage Virtual Worlds Session 1 DebateVirtual Worlds Session 1 Debate Virtual Worlds Session 1 VRVirtual Worlds Session 1 VR Virtual Worlds Panel session one debateVirtual Worlds Panel session one debate Virtual Worlds session one 1Virtual Worlds session one 1 Virtual Worlds session one 3Virtual Worlds session one 3 Virtual Worlds session one 2Virtual Worlds session one 2 Virtual Worlds Group picture FridayVirtual Worlds Group picture Friday