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Citizens’ Engagement Platform
Citizens’ Engagement Platform

Your space to participate in EU policymaking

Debate launched - share your views on the EU's budget

Recruitment for the next Citizens’ Panel on a new European budget is underway

Have your say in our ongoing debates. 

More will come. Stay tuned!


  • Exhibition on artificial intelligence
    A new European budget

    We want to hear your views to help define the Union’s future budget. Do you have ideas on how the European budget could make a direct and positive difference in your life?

    Share your views on the future EU's budget and engage with other citizens.

    Find out more    Get involved

  • Tackling Hatred in Society

    What can we do about hate and how can we enhance mutual respect in our societies? Do you have a recommendation that can support the European Commission’s future work on combatting hate speech and hate crime?

    This is the space where you can share your views and engage with other citizens.

    Find out more    Get involved

Conclusion of the Energy Efficiency Debate

The European Citizens’ Panel on Tackling Hatred in Society has submitted its recommendations to the European Commission

What is the Citizens’ Engagement Platform?

Citizen engagement phases

  1. Participation
    Online contributions

    Citizens create, comment and vote on contributions on the Citizens' Engagement Platform

  2. Deliberation
    EU Citizens' Panels

    Contributions feed into European Citizens' Panels and input into the European policymaking process

  3. Follow-up
    Taking action on citizens' recommendations

    Contributions are followed up on via discussions based on regular reports

  4. Feedback
    Transparent communication on the outcome

    Citizens are informed about policy actions

Your opinion counts

European Citizens' Panels