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Buiséad Eorpach nua atá oiriúnach dár n-uaillmhianta

An ceann feadhna taobh thiar de ghníomhaíocht Eorpach

Changes at "Margadh saothair níos fearr agus níos feidhmiúla san Aontas."

Avatar: Radoslav Zeliznak Radoslav Zeliznak

Teideal (English)

  • +A better and more functional EU labour market.

Corp (English)

  • +The EU urgently needs professional recruiters and headhunters who will know how to do their job. It is unbelievable to listen to more than 20 years of EU politicians how to invest in tech skills, while the EU has a lot of qualified professionals who can't find a well-paid job anywhere. Forget about Eures, we don't just need consultants who will send you a link to a job portal, but people who can find real jobs for real job seekers.


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