Naids sabiedrībā
Izsakiet savu viedokli un ietekmējiet politiku

Education in schools starting from kids

Implementar políticas públicas de acción comunitaria fomentando el conocimiento de las diferentes culturas con las que convivimos.

„Nein zu Gewalt“: Best-Practice-Beispiel vom Österreichischen Bundesminsiterium für Justiz - 2 Mio. Euro für erste bundesweite Kinderschutz-Kampagne

Solution exists

Educación en escuelas primarias

Amor e ódio não são emoções parecidas

Social gathering and communication

Razem dla Tolerancji: Wspólnie Przeciw Nienawiści

Access to education homeless children

By promoting a positive image of different cultures and nations through media

Expand EUvoice: Use and promote free software fediverse instances instead of proprietary social media

Learn children to recognize hate speech

Unity in Diversity: Empowering Communities to Embrace Differences

Intervenire nelle fasi formative

Make countries accountable

Pokój na Ukrainie

Inclusion migratoire

Participation of Citizens from EU Candidate Countries

La ville et un objet que l'on atteint ou échoué.

More respects to students from different countries

Hass im Alltag bekämpfen

Fortsetzung: Wahrheit - DigitalServiceAct (DSA) - Fakenews - Zensur

Berichte von Hilflosigkeit bei Angriffen am 7.04. im Plenum.

Why do humans hate?
