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Tackling Hatred in Society

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Report Hate EC HUB (webpage) for users to submit questions about social media content and to report hate

Avatar: Andre FRANCO Andre FRANCO

The problem of social media, is how it is now a tool that most people use to write down their frustrations and spread hate, altogether with misinformation that can cause a snowball effect that will be very difficult to counter and stop it… thats why many of the problems these days are on the basis of the poor information people receive on their platforms which cause social chaos. EC should be more present on social media and work in creating a platform (page hub) that can be used for any user to report hate and know if what they view is true or real and get a response after analysis, and to view flagged content that was already reported by all users, content such as webpages, videos, tweets, threads, comments or any kind of social post or internet user generated content for further internal evaluation and return a response with a brief explanation why the content is hate content also if considered true, unknown or false (misleading) .The hate and/or false content should be reported back to the core platforms and users via webservice. So that users have a more central tool (than google) to report hate and get some input about their social media content. With AI on the rise, this platform could also be used to register AI generated content that is generated for the purpose of misinformation attacks and generate hate towards organizations, countries, persons. This will create more awareness to all the users about what is hate and how they are posting hateful content.


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