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Effiċjenza Enerġetika

Semma’ leħnek u tħalli impatt fuq il-politika

Uri t-test oriġinali Twissija: It-traduzzjonijiet awtomatiċi jistgħu ma jkunux 100% preċiżi.

Bidliet fi "F’isem Chiara Rossetto: negħlbu l-effett NIMB”

Avatar Peter BOZAKOV


  • +{"en"=>"On behalf of Chiara Rossetto: overcoming the NIMB effect"}

Kontenut prinċipali

  • +["I think we should invest in specific education focus to inform citizens on actual costs and benefits of renewable energy plants in order to get rid of the Not In My Backyard effect.\nUnderstanding them on sound quantitive data will improve the understanding of the policy"]


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