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Citizens’ Engagement Platform
Energy Efficiency

Have your say and have an impact on policy

Conclusion of the Energy Efficiency Debate

What is energy efficiency?

How can we make the EU more energy efficient?

The Energy Efficiency First principle

The citizens’ perspective

The European Citizens’ Panel on Energy Efficiency has submitted its recommendations to the European Commission


The European Commission was looking for recommendations from citizens across the EU on how to maximise energy efficiency.

  1. February to April 2024
    Online contributions

    Citizens create, comment on and endorse contributions on the Citizens' Engagement Platform. The Commission analyses these contributions and publishes reports.

  2. February to April 2024
    European Citizens' Panel

    Citizens' contributions feed into the Panel. The Panel debates and addresses recommendations to the European Commission.

  3. May to Autumn 2024
    Taking action on Citizens' Panel recommendations

    Platform contributions and Panel recommendations are followed up on by the European Commission.

  4. Autumn 2024
    Feedback on the outcome

    Citizens are informed about the policy actions informed by their contributions and recommendations.

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