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Tackling Hatred in Society

Have your say and have an impact on policy

Participatory democracy

Avatar: Marnix Schaubroeck Marnix Schaubroeck

Many people are dissatisfied because they (often rightly) think they are not being heard by politicians (both local, regional, national and European!). Politics is far too strong top-down; Instead of "democracy," there is "participation." There is an urgent need for a change in the functioning of our democratic states, whereby citizens (starting at a low level, for example in local politics) can exercise joint democratic decision-making. Then one gets to know each other, meet, and learns to discuss civilly; This way you get to know your fellow human beings and at the same time you can determine how the legislation (on any theme) is developed. You have a say as an individual! This removes a soil under the development of hatred against fellow human beings.


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