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Tackling Hatred in Society

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Intervening in the training phases

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Starting from the definition, hatred is an intense feeling of aversion and hostility towards a person, a group or a concept. This feeling can arise from various causes, such as cultural, personal or ideological differences, and often feeds through misunderstandings, prejudices or unresolved traumas. In order to combat hatred and promote a more harmonious society, it is essential to intervene in the training phases. Teaching in schools courses dedicated to self-acceptance, anger management and compassion towards others can be an effective prevention tool. These courses can help young people to develop a greater awareness of their own emotions, to manage conflicts constructively and to understand and respect the diversity of others. Promoting these skills in schools not only reduces hate and discrimination behaviours, but also helps to form empathetic and responsible citizens, capable of building positive relationships and contributing to collective well-being.


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