Ossza meg velünk véleményét és legyen hatással a szakpolitikai döntéshozatalra
How to tackle energy shortage
Energy effiency
Educarea populatiei Europei in legatura cu ce inseamna si care sint optiunile unei Eficiente Energetice.
People should have community not individual incentives for energy efficiency
Насърчаване на хората да карат колело
Forschung für Alternativen Energie vorantrieben
Monthly Dividend for everyone in Europe - Financed by the pricing of CO2, plastic, pesticides, etc.
Ayudas economicas para mejorar la eficiencia energetica en las viviendas
"Smart energy application"
Cycling funds increment
Imposer la fermeture des portes des magasins afin d'éviter toute déperdition énergétique et prévoir des sanctions financières en cas de non respect
Reduce city warming: greener city streets and places
Social support for households with older car models
Železničná doprava obmedzenie alebo skor úplný zákaz dieselových rušňov
Alternative energy sources
New is not necessarily efficient
Solar energy for EVs
Restriction or ban of heavier, larger and high-fuel-consumption SUV vehicles on densely populated urban areas
Информираност относно енергийните политики
Energy policy mix
Faire des aides pour favoriser l'efficacité énergétique
Najlacnejšia energia je tá, ktorú netreba vyrobiť.
Bijdrage aan een betere toekomst, groener !
Transition must prioritize self-consume communities
Everybody into account