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Energy Efficiency

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After months of insightful contributions and deliberations, this debate is now closed.

273 contributions

Media picture: Implementing mandatory smart meter's

Implementing mandatory smart meter's

Media picture: Electricity is energy, but not all energy is electricity.

Electricity is energy, but not all energy is electricity.

Media picture: Successful climate policy through investment steering

Successful climate policy through investment steering

Media picture: Rail transport restriction or early total ban on diesel locomotives

Rail transport restriction or early total ban on diesel locomotives

Media picture: Encourage the consumption of proximity products.

Encourage the consumption of proximity products.

Media picture: Green energy storage decentralised

Green energy storage decentralised

Media picture: Make energy efficiency more accessible for YOUNG people

Make energy efficiency more accessible for YOUNG people

Media picture: Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency

Media picture: Local production

Local production

Media picture: Citizen involvement

Citizen involvement

Media picture: Solid technology to enhance organic matter avoiding dedicated crops, residues to be disposed of, waste and water contamination

Solid technology to enhance organic matter avoiding dedicated crops, residues to be disposed of, waste and water contamination

Media picture: Remove inefficient trucks from highways

Remove inefficient trucks from highways

Media picture: No Gas Challenge

No Gas Challenge

Media picture: Ly Liquid Hydrogen – Rocket Fuel for Everyone!

Ly Liquid Hydrogen – Rocket Fuel for Everyone!

Media picture: Free public transportation

Free public transportation

Media picture: Little energy gets out a lot

Little energy gets out a lot

Media picture: Empowering Prosumers: Energy Sharing with Neighbors

Empowering Prosumers: Energy Sharing with Neighbors

Media picture: Restriction or ban of heavier, larger and high-fuel-consumption SUV vehicles on densely populated urban areas

Restriction or ban of heavier, larger and high-fuel-consumption SUV vehicles on densely populated urban areas

Media picture: Sufficiency: avoid demand for energy, materials, land and water while delivering human wellbeing for all within planetary boundaries

Sufficiency: avoid demand for energy, materials, land and water while delivering human wellbeing for all within planetary boundaries

Media picture: European energy

European energy

Media picture: Less energy-intensive societies and lifestyles

Less energy-intensive societies and lifestyles

Media picture: Production of movement, especially in industry: define and prove actual overall efficiency

Production of movement, especially in industry: define and prove actual overall efficiency

Media picture: Promotion of educational plans.

Promotion of educational plans.

Media picture: Energy Belgium

Energy Belgium

Media picture: Encourage people to ride a bike

Encourage people to ride a bike

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