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Energetska učinkovitost

Iznesite svoje mišljenje i utječite na politiku

Prikaži izvorni tekst Upozorenje: automatski prijevod možda nije potpuno točan.

Promjene u "Poboljšanje infrastrukture za punjenje električnih automobila"

Avatar: Franziska Kempfle
Franziska Kempfle


  • +{"de"=>"Improving electric car charging infrasturcture"}


  • +["In order to encourage the increased use of electric cars both in cities and smaller towns, the charging infrasturcture for them needs to be expanded and improved. If this infrasturcture is lacking, people will be hesitant to use electric cars in fear of not reaching their destinations at all or in time and rather rely on traditional cars."]


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