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Modifiche di "Dividendo mensile per tutti in Europa — Finanziato dal prezzo di CO2, plastica, pesticidi, ecc."

Avatar Anton Rüpke

Titolo (English)

  • +Monthly Dividend for everyone in Europe - Financed by the pricing of CO2, plastic, pesticides, etc.

Corpo (English)

  • +The next generation of climate income on EU-level financed by the pricing of CO2, plastic, pesticides, fertilisers, animal products, water extraction, nuclear energy, mining, land use, tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy foods.
  • +
  • +Why?
  • +
  • +Our economic system sets false incentives that favour environmental damage and entail extremely high follow-up costs:
  • +
  • +CO₂: € 237 - 809 / t (UBA)
  • +Fertiliser: €4,890 - €6,940 / t (UBA)
  • +Plastic: $17,790 - $197,800 / t (WWF)
  • +Unhealthy food: $2.3 trillion / y in EU (FAO)


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