Siirry pääsisältöön

Vihapuheen ja vihatekojen torjunta yhteiskunnassa

Kerro mielipiteesi ja vaikuta politiikkaan

Näytä automaattisesti käännetty teksti Varoitus: Konekäännökset saattavat sisältää virheitä.

Stricter punishments

Δέσποινα Ματη

In my country, there are 12 and 13year-olds attacking people in the middle of the street just because of their sexuality. This happened not only against simple citizens but also against a political leader. Nothing serious happened to these bullies because they are minors. I'm not sure if their parents had any punishment as well. This sets the example for other people their age. They think that they can attack whoever they want and they will get away with it very easily. I disagree with this. Their age is very crucial for the behavior they will have for the rest of their lives and they should learn that when you express hatred towards other people, there are consequences. I believe that the punishments should be stricter for the minors and for their parents too. In my opinion this would bring fear of acting with hatred.



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