Energy Efficiency
Have your say and have an impact on policy

Use better incentive strategies

Sufficiency: avoid demand for energy, materials, land and water while delivering human wellbeing for all within planetary boundaries

Prosumer Integration Incentives

Restriction or ban of heavier, larger and high-fuel-consumption SUV vehicles on densely populated urban areas

Education for energy efficiency

Stop advertising screens in the public space

Energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transformed

Green roofs in cities

It all starts with educating the younger generations on the importance of energy efficiency

Remove inefficient trucks from highways

Standby devices (standby) should consume less power

Diversity and access to free electricity for ev

Reduce city warming: greener city streets and places

Implementing mandatory smart meter's

Winter and summer time

How are citizens going to change their cars to less polluting vehicles?

Carbon Emissions Tax

A more efficient charging network for electric vehicles

We're not prepared for electric cars.

Less energy-intensive societies and lifestyles

Enhancing energy efficiency: Suggestions for a sustainable future

Energy efficiency starts with policies that place well-being at the centre and not: growth, profit or possession

Solid technology to enhance organic matter avoiding dedicated crops, residues to be disposed of, waste and water contamination

Improving smart meter rollout
