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Energijos vartojimo efektyvumas

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„Įgyvendinti dalyvavimo strategijas siekiant pakeisti elgseną ir įgyvendinti 1-ąjį energijos vartojimo efektyvumo principą“ pakeitimai

Guillaume Joly


  • +{"en"=>"Implement engagement strategies to change behaviours and make the Energy Efficiency 1st Principle a reality"}

Pagrindinė dalis

  • +["Engagement strategies are a set of tools and methodologies to trigger a positive response to different stimuli aiming at changing the behaviour of people. Human beings decision making processes are not only based on rationality, dimensions of social behaviour all are fundamental. Financial incentives and awareness campaigns are not enough and need to be complemented. This is now even more important that Engagement Strategies are an obligation in the EED for public authorities to design and set."]


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