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Εμφάνιση πρωτότυπου κειμένου Προσοχή: Οι αυτόματες μεταφράσεις μπορεί να μην είναι απόλυτα ακριβείς.

Αλλαγές στο στοιχείο "Εύκολες πληροφορίες για τα προϊόντα, τα χειρόγραφα και το αποθεματικό parst"

Bruno Pogorelić


  • +{"en"=>"Easy information on products,manuals and reserve parst"}


  • +["It would be nice to make every manufacturer who is selling in EU to automatically give all manuals for that product which normally comes with it including service manuals which they give to their repair shop to 1 online info hub.It should be put by manufacturer, type of product (washing machine,oven,vacuum cleaner,...) and year of manufacturing. Inside there should be prices from manufacturer for reserve parts and list of places where you can buy it as well as alternetive parts if possible."]


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