Kova su neapykanta visuomenėje
Išsakykite savo nuomonę ir darykite poveikį politikai
Urgent Need for a Unified EU Approach to Combat Corruption
Dacă democrația eșuează?
È necessario agire con efficacia contro la disinformazione.
Really become an EU of citizens, empowering locally, to dilute the old national fiefdoms, tribal rivalries, encourage cross border merging, ...
Tackling Hatred in society 3.0
Fortsetzung: Wahrheit - DigitalServiceAct (DSA) - Fakenews - Zensur
More visibility for transgender people
Eradicating hatred through education
Programas de acercamiento entre opiniones opuestas
Powinniśmy zrozumieć z jakiego powodu nienawidzimy wtedy będziemy w stanie kontrolować złe emocje
Wahrheit - DigitalServiceAct (DSA) - Fakenews - Zensur
Participation of Citizens from EU Candidate Countries
Implementar políticas públicas de acción comunitaria fomentando el conocimiento de las diferentes culturas con las que convivimos.
Equal rights don't take away your rights
Onlineplatformen müssen Algorithmen anpassen
La haine contre la diversité
Learn children to recognize hate speech
Education in schools starting from kids
Tackling Hatred in Society
Les valeurs de l'UE et leur respect dans les institutions de l'union Europeenne
Awareness among kids and teens
Rätt fördelningspolitik skapar innanförskap och är hatreducerande
Più accettazione
Social dining in every city
Education is key