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An fuath sa tsochaí a chomhrac

Cuir do thuairimí in iúl agus bíodh tionchar agat ar bheartas

Taispeáin an téacs aistrithe go huathoibríoch Rabhadh: D’fhéadfadh sé nach mbeidh na haistriúcháin uathoibríocha 100% cruinn.

By promoting a positive image of different cultures and nations through media

Avatar: Syed Muhammad Adnan Aslam
Syed Muhammad Adnan Aslam

I believe if we want to tackle hate in society we should focus on our media presentation.As we know media plays a vital role in shaping public perception and attitudes. Media outlets should commit to portraying diverse groups accurately and avoiding the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes. When people see fair and respectful representations of different communities, it can challenge and change prejudiced views.Also, amplifying positive stories that highlight the contributions and achievements of various communities can foster a more inclusive and empathetic society. Responsible media representation can significantly influence societal attitudes and help in reducing hatred.

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