Нов европейски бюджет, съобразен с нашите амбиции
Движеща сила на европейските действия
Промени на „Обсерватория за дезинформацията и дезинформацията“
Заглавие (English)
- +Misinformation and disinformation observatory
Основен текст (English)
- +Would it make sense (and be possible) to create an EU-level observatory that monitors and helps to debunk misinformation and disinformation campaigns led by lobby groups or foreign governments?
- +It could be a basis to initiate a dialogue with them both to identify legitimate concerns, if any, and to flag possible consequences of the misinformation and disinformation and related unethical or illegal practices – to try to stop misinformation and disinformation at the source and to alert the population to what is happening / cancel the impacts of misinformation and disinformation campaigns to the extent possible.