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Energetická účinnost

Vyjádřete svůj názor a ovlivněte tvorbu politik EU

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Změny v "Monthly Dividend for everyone in Europe - Financed by the pricing of CO2, plastic, pesticides, etc."

Anton Rüpke


  • +{"en"=>"Monthly Dividend for everyone in Europe - Financed by the pricing of CO2, plastic, pesticides, etc."}

Hlavní text

  • +["The next generation of climate income on EU-level financed by the pricing of CO2, plastic, pesticides, fertilisers, animal products, water extraction, nuclear energy, mining, land use, tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy foods.\n\nWhy?\n\nOur economic system sets false incentives that favour environmental damage and entail extremely high follow-up costs:\n\nCO₂: € 237 - 809 / t (UBA)\nFertiliser: €4,890 - €6,940 / t (UBA)\nPlastic: $17,790 - $197,800 / t (WWF)\nUnhealthy food: $2.3 trillion / y in EU (FAO)"]


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