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Tackling Hatred in Society

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Hope and Purpose

Avatar: Wojciech Duda Wojciech Duda

Dear European Comission,

The problem of hate speech and hatred is complex so the resolution to this issue is complex as well.
My diagnosis for the root causes of hate in modern European society are:
-Fear of the future
-Technological revolution and aligned with it Societal Revolution
-Lack of Stability
-Wrong perception equality in modern Europe
-Lack of purpose
As European Union is now focused on Green-Transformation which is a very important goal I believe that this transformation should be sponsored by progress and economical leap. Modern EU is overregulated which is not a good environment to do a business, that is why Western EU is in stagnation for around last 15 years. Economic environment is so difficult for Europeans that they many often do not believe they can achieve their goals like buying a home or starting a business in safety without a loan. There are no surveys for common people to even show interest in what are the problems of Europeans.
European Union shall also seek to stop the conflict in the East, find higher purpose like Space Exploration, set ambitious goals like asteroid mining so society has more hope for better future. How it is possible that single individual has a goal of Colonising Mars and is getting closer to do this and collective of nations has no such goals? When it comes to equality, I noticed that people who went through western education system believe in all people being the same. We shall celebrate our differences.