Bekæmpelse af had i samfundet
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Ændringer på "Nem online hadrapportering"
Titel (English)
- +Easy online hate reporting
Titel (traducción automática a español)
- +Informes fáciles de odio en línea
Titel (automatic translation in italiano)
- +Segnalazione di odio online facile
Titel (automatic translation in Malti)
- +Rappurtar ta’ mibegħda online faċli
Titel (automatic translation in slovenščina)
- +Enostavno spletno poročanje o sovraštvu
Titel (automatic translation in svenska)
- +Enkel hatrapportering online
Brødtekst (English)
- +Create a button that has to be on every social media in EU that immediately reports hate speech etc to an independent authority