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Tackling Hatred in Society

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“No to violence”: Best practice example from the Austrian Federal Minsiterium for Justice – EUR 2 million for first nationwide child protection campaign

Avatar: Johannes Muhr
Johannes Muhr

In this campaign, the word violence is used instead of hate. But the content coincides with the effects of hatred we discussed in the Citizens’ Forum (exclusion, bullying, stalking, psychological or physical violence,...) "The campaign’s goal is to raise awareness of the signs of violence against children and to motivate adults to act actively through clear calls for action. Secondly, children and adolescents should be encouraged that violence is never okay and that they have a right to non-violent growing up. They are encouraged to set limits and receive information about support offers. «On a daily basis, children and young people in Austria are exposed to violence or suffer from experienced violence. As a society, it is our job to protect children and young people and to encourage that violence is never okay. Violence prevention must therefore be at the top of the political agenda," the government agrees. The campaign, for which a budget of EUR 2 million is available, was developed with the involvement of child protection organisations, children and young people and will be seen and heard in public space, radio and social media in the coming weeks." – quote from I find that this campaign is very successful. This should be taken over by all countries in the EU.



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