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Hass in der Gesellschaft

Ihre Meinung sagen – Politik gestalten

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Education is key

Karin Lif

The first step would be to educate on topics like hate speech, hate crime, and discrimination. A certain focus on antisemitism and anti-Muslim hatred would be logical right now given the alarming increase in this kind of hatred recently. This is a step that is already mentioned in the "No place for hate: a Europe united against hatred" communication from 2023, however, I think it needs to be encouraged in more places of society:

-In schools; so that all children can learn respect and kindness from an early age.
-Online; More positive content on social media, changes in algorithms to show more opposing views in order to prevent polarization and echo chambers.
-Civil society; associations, religious communities and actors in the private sector to make sure that we reach as many people as possible.

The EU must encourage its member states to implement this type of education in all levels of society.



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