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Energy Efficiency

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Changes at "To turn off the light"

Avatar: Fumio Minami
Fumio Minami


  • +{"en"=>"To turn off the light"}


  • +["We need to turn off the light more often", ["Трябва по-често да изключваме осветлението.", "Tenemos que apagar la luz más a menudo", "Me peame valguse sagedamini välja lülitama.", "Potrebno je češće gasiti svjetlo", "Gyakrabban kell lekapcsolnunk a villanyt", "Reikia dažniau išjungti šviesą", "Għandna bżonn li jintfew id-dawl aktar ta ‘spiss", "Večkrat moramo ugasniti luč."]]


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