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Tackling Hatred in Society

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Fighting Hate, Strengthening Mutual Respect: A Step Towards an Inclusive Society


At a time when social polarisation is intensifying and hate speech is spreading faster than ever through social media, the need to enhance mutual respect is imperative. Modern societies must promote policies and actions that address hatred at its root and encourage harmonious coexistence. I personally believe that education is the most powerful weapon against ignorance and prejudice. Integrating human rights, diversity and critical thinking lessons into school and university curricula can foster a more tolerant and mindful generation. Strong legal frameworks to combat hate speech and hate crime are also needed. In addition, responsible use of the media and social media: Online platforms must take greater responsibility for combating the spread of hate by applying stricter rules and content moderation mechanisms. To conclude, the European Commission can strengthen its work through a coordinated pan-European anti-hate campaign, with transnational education programmes and cooperation with technology companies to develop algorithms that limit the spread of hate speech. Tackling hate is not just a legal or political issue, it is a moral and societal challenge that requires the commitment of all of us.


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