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Tackling Hatred in Society

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Trust and cooperation 2024 Europe and the US

Avatar: Frantisek Stanek
Frantisek Stanek

Trust and cooperation have changed since the 1976 Helsinki Process and are now in the interest of a different reality. However, we must not forget the content of freedoms and universal human rights. In the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights after 1945 to 1948, however, it was only a declaration. Conclusion: The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, including the International Covenant on Economic, Social, Cultural and Children's Rights, is currently in force. Adopted by both Europe and the US, including optional protocols adopted in individual states or republics. The process lasted from 1966 to 1976 including the COSME Europe This applies today and tomorrow in relation to 2024 to the Russian Federation as well as Asia and the Indo-Pacific, including Latin America 1+.... P.S. Without trust and cooperation, PEACE, PAX, PEACE is impossible! Staněk



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