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Promoting Media Literacy to Combat Hate Speech
One of the sources of hatred in today's society is no doubt the wide gamut of various media outlets focused on spreading disinformation, in addition to individuals or organizations pursuing this agenda through social media. I would like to see more effort being made in promoting media literacy in the populace, so as to enhance people's ability to discern falsehoods and look critically at various half-truths, spindoctoing or other heavily biased outputs. This could be done, for example by implementing courses aimed at improving media literacy in primary and secondary schools, or perhaps even at universities. Not only that, there exists a large number of different organizations focused on this goal, which could definitely use more funding, promotion and/or the possibility to participate in public debate, for example regarding proposed legislation. Furthermore, I see as potentially effective more opportunities for older people, or people who are out of school in general, to educate themselves about media bias and disinformation. After all, we learn throughout our whole lives, do we not? To conclude, I believe that through collaborative action and strategic investment, we can pave the way for a more informed, engaged, and harmonious society, where the spread of hatred is met with resilience and understanding.