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A new European budget fit for our ambitions

A driving force behind European action

Safe storage of solid-state hydrogen

Avatar: Antonio VULPIO Antonio VULPIO

I believe that since its intuition and application, the policy of the European Green Deal, in December 2019 has drawn an important and clear border between an economy based mainly on fossil hydrocarbons and an economy based on the adoption of fuels of renewable origin. The European Community has set for the first time, with global authority, the goal of achieving Net Zero Emissions in 2050. This will be possible through the development of an economy based on Clean Hydrogen. To make this happen, we will need to eliminate the big weakness of hydrogen energy systems, the security of storage, of this wonderful energy carrier. Among the epochal solutions, there is solid-state storage that relies on nanotechnologies, advanced materials and photonics. This storage mode guarantees high energy densities in both gravimetric and volumetric ratios, ensuring very high safety standards. Therefore, investment and research should be channelled towards this concrete objective.


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