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A new European budget fit for our ambitions

A driving force behind European action

EU regional policy for solidarity and cohesion

Avatar: Sven-Owe Eriksson Sven-Owe Eriksson

Within the EU, as in other parts of the world, the polarisation between city and country and between different cultures has created distrust. Solidarity and cohesion, which are key elements of EU regional policy, are held back by social unrest and sometimes intimidation when polarisation is allowed to operate freely. Regional policy must therefore be an integral part of the new EU budget. The basis for solidarity and cohesion is the creation of new jobs and new businesses, as well as social cohesion between EU citizens. For many years, regional policy has succeeded relatively well, but the achievement of objectives can be improved if a common project assessment model is created for all EU countries' managing authorities. Current differences in how different countries assess project ideas contribute to a lack of clarity in the achievement of the objectives. Higher demands must also be placed on project owners in terms of continued funding after EU funding has ended. Too many good projects have been closed due to a lack of demands for continued funding.



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