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A new European budget fit for our ambitions

A driving force behind European action

Expenditure review and new priorities

Avatar: Maria Rosario Paradinas Maria Rosario Paradinas

In the context of the new challenges facing the European Union at the moment, especially in the context of competitiveness, common defence, immigration and an ageing population, I personally believe that it is necessary to review the current programmes and in the light of their implementation and results to plan or redirect them to new needs, as if it were a zero-based budget. In addition, this would give an image to the European taxpayer in case they need to establish new own resources that necessarily have to avoid going against the competitiveness of European companies or implying a greater administrative burden. We need to simplify and better communicate where European taxpayers' resources are going if we are to have a more united and stronger Europe. It is not feasible to go from 1% of GDP to 2% and want to increase the collection without reviewing the expenditure generated since the beginning since the priorities have evolved. On the other hand, a subject of Community budget should be incorporated in universities to increase knowledge of European policies and their impact on well-being. Many of our young people are not well aware of the impact of belonging to Europe and this poses a danger to the future. We hope that the 27 Member States and their leaders will also be able to reduce the administrative burden and staff costs for the benefit of the Union as a whole.


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