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A new European budget fit for our ambitions

A driving force behind European action

Tackling disinformation: "EU-Check"

Avatar: Laura Bertomeu Cuenca Laura Bertomeu Cuenca

Our proposal is based on the Code of Practice on Disinformation in 2018 and its reinforcement in 2022. Based on these premises and the recommendations of the Transparency Centre reports, we have identified a number of areas where the EU needs to expand its field of action. We propose the creation of a fact-checking programme specific to the European Union, with its own European label and guarantee, the ‘EU-Check’. You must provide information about the veracity of social media information, and provide a platform to raise questions and submit articles or posts for verification. The report highlights the need to make progress in the management of artificial intelligences. We propose that the EU-Check be able to identify the content created with these programs, to warn of its risk with a label that identifies it as created by an AI. To address the desingormation about the war in Ukraine we propose educational campaigns on the real situation of the conflict, tools to contextualise information through “EU-Check”. Through training courses, citizens will be trained to identify disinformation. It would also be important to strengthen and promote the "Digital Services Act" and the "Digital Markets Act", with a specific focus against extremist narratives.



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