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Zmeny v rámci položky Expand EUvoice: Use and promote free software fediverse instances instead of proprietary social media

Federico LEVA


  • +{"it"=>"Expand EUvoice: Use and promote free software fediverse instances instead of proprietary social media"}

Text správy

  • +["All social media communications from EU institutions, as well as interaction with policymakers, should be available to all citizens through free software which respects privacy, user freedom and other digital rights.\n\nThe current reliance on proprietary software services hosted by USA-based companies gives the message that the European Commission and other institutions do not care about respecting the GDPR, or any other digital and competition policy the European Commission claims to stand by.\n\nBy feeding proprietary social media, EU institutions most likely fuel hate, because such social media notoriously encourage \"high engagement\" and controversy over anything else. Such issues are easier to manage with decentralised moderation and self-managed fees which do not rely on some secret central recommendation system.\n\nThanks to the pilot by the EDPS, we know the EU is capable of going in the right direction:\n\n\nCosts to host a Mastodon instance are negligible compared to the Commissions' social media advertising budget:\n\n\n\nThe college of commissioners can lead by example. Use an EU-funded instance; link it everywhere; invite all followers and journalists elsewhere to move as well."]


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