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Kerro mielipiteesi ja vaikuta politiikkaan

NÀytÀ automaattisesti kÀÀnnetty teksti Varoitus: KonekÀÀnnökset saattavat sisÀltÀÀ virheitÀ.

White Certificates and Monitoring 📜💡🔍

Alberto VĂĄzquez Garea

From Spain, we're seeing how the White Certificate System đŸŒ±đŸ’ĄđŸŒŸ, recently implemented in our country (but already established in others like France and Italy), will be key to boosting Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development across all sectors (Industrial, Services, Residential, and Transport) 🏭🏱🏡🚚.

Expanding this SYSTEM throughout the EU, with the support of robust monitoring systems 📊🔍🌐, would ensure the consolidation of best practices at both the family and business level 🌍💚


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